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Social media is neutral. It's how you choose it that matters.

How is social media affecting you?

Social Media

How it's affecting us. 

As you may be aware of, social media has developed rapidly over the last two decades, and its influence on our lives has increased tremendously. Numerous studies have linked excessive social media use with high levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. Nowadays, 90% of 12-29 year olds use social media, and they use it for an average of 2 hours each day. Anything we spend this much time on would definitely have an effect on our mental health and emotional wellbeing. This website presents my research on social media's effect on adolescents in an enjoyable way, where you can learn more about yourself and how to be safe online. Hope you enjoy!

Zeitgeist 2020.webp

Watch your thoughts, 

they become words.

Watch your words,

they become actions.

Watch your actions,

they become your habits.

Watch your habits, 

they become your character.

Watch your character,

for it becomes your destiny. 

Confidence is not:

"They will like me."


Confidence is:

"I'll be fine if they don't."

Don't say anything online that you wouldn't want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.

Give yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom.

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