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Hello! My name is Eunjae, and I'm currently a student in 10th grade. As a social media user myself, I've noticed that these internet platforms have largely changed the way I think and feel.  I was able to connect with more people, understand differences, and learn how to communicate casually through text. These were some of the positive changes, but there were definitely harmful effects as well. I've always been aware of body image and beauty standards, but social media extended my knowledge on these elements of society. I noticed that I was subconsciously making unhealthy comparisons between people online and myself, and only recently have I started to make a change to this. Through this website, I want to share with you my knowledge, and I hope you can also find out more ways to stay mentally healthy as you use social media. 


Because students, like myself, use social media so regularly, it is important to understand the danger it can pose and be knowledgable of how we can protect ourselves from social media harming our emotional wellbeing. Generally, students learn a bit about online safety and cyberbullying in school, but I don't think I've ever been taught how to maintain good mental health or build healthy relationships online. Therefore, to share the knowledge I've gained from research and personal experience, I decided to create an educational, interactive website for students in my community. 

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